

Careers Plan and Provider Access Policy

At Queensbury we encourage every child and young person to aspire to be the very best version of themselves so that they can thrive and succeed both now and in their futures. Our CARE values our fundamental in developing the students’ employability skills:

Cooperation to effectively work with one another so that they are prepared and able to live and work in mutually respectful environments.

Aspire to the very best that they can be and aim for the next steps and careers they want.

Respectful of other people and their cultures and beliefs that may be different to their own and develop their understanding of the Equalities Act and the needs of others.

Endeavour to understand how to problem solve, and overcome challenges so students can thrive and succeed.

We try to provide them with experiences so that they can make the right decisions for themselves on their journey beyond Queensbury to live the life they want. Students are helped towards their longer-term aspirations through a range of work-related learning opportunities in their Life skills lessons including options choices, developing their understanding of the labour market and career weeks during the academic year. 

All students have the opportunity to receive a Careers meeting with an impartial fully qualified Careers advisor so they are aware of all the post 16 and 18 routes. Students are also given the opportunity to attend our end-of-year Careers and Next Steps fair and given the chance to interact with a range of employers, colleges and apprenticeship providers. Our sixth form students also have the opportunity to attend Higher Education facilities and UCAS conferences to help them understand how to apply for their next steps including higher-level apprenticeships. 

Our year 8 and 10 students will be offered the opportunity to attend a day at work with their parents with further opportunities for work experience in year 12. These opportunities will link with the students’ Life skills lessons and Tutor programme delivered by form tutors with opportunities for reflective discussions regarding their learning and experiences. 

Our careers programme has recently been updated and to ensure that the programme and events are effective we will review data from student feedback forms, student voice groups, destinations data and parental feedback forms. When reviewing the programme we will also assess the ever-changing job market and tailor the programme to meet the needs of our students and an ever-changing society.  

Careers education is a vital component of our students’ education which are supported by the University of Bedfordshire, 4YP,  South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) and a range of local employers. 


Queensbury Academy Careers Lead - Mrs C Holt

01582 601241


Provider Access Policy

Provider Access Policy 2023


Careers Plan

Careers Plan


Autumn Term  

Spring Term  

Summer Term  

Year 7  

September- Personal Skills and goal setting  


November- Green careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  

March – Careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  

April- Sustainability WWF  

May- Step into the NHS  

June- Financial Consequences  

July- Skills and strengths review  

Year 8  

September- Personal Skills and goal setting  


November- Green careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  

March – Careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications in a range of subject areas  


Opportunity to participate in take your child to work day or in house careers skills development  


June- Financial Consequences  

July- Labour Market Information, Value for money, Personal skills and strengths review  


Careers and Post 16+ opportunities fair  

Year 9  

September- Personal Skills and goal setting  


November- Green careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  

March – Careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications in a range of subject areas  


KS4 Options Event including presentation to students and parents regarding vocational and technical routes for post-16 and 18 qualifications.  


Specialised SEN Provision:  

EHCP LAC students will have 1:1 sessions with our Careers Advisor to discuss GCSE options and their Next Steps after Queensbury  



May- Developing leadership skills  

June- Developing problem solving skills  

July-Working as part of a team, Personal skills and strengths review  





Year 10  

November- Green careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  


1:1 Careers guidance meetings with 4YP begin to take place (during year 11 MOCKs)  

March – Careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  


1:1 Careers guidance meetings with 4YP  

1:1 Careers guidance meetings with 4YP  


A level Sixth Form Assembly  

May- Understanding finances  

July – Labour Market Information, Skills and strengths review  

Students will have the opportunity to participate in take your child to work day or in house careers skills development   


Careers and Post 16+ opportunities fair  

Year 11  

November- Green careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  


1:1 Careers guidance meetings with 4YP begin to take place (during year 11 MOCKs)  


Year 11 to have the opportunity to discuss post 16+ routes with their form tutors and encouraged to attend open days and evenings  

March – Careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  


Post 16 Application support if required  


SEN + NEET Provision: Taster / induction days with local Colleges / Sixth Forms to prepare for transition to their Key Stage 5 provision/Careers advisor session if required  



Careers advisor session available if required  


Sixth Form  

November- Green careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  


March – Careers week opportunity to learn about apprenticeships, vocational and technical qualifications.  


June/July- Assembly- Degree level Apprenticeships  


Year 12 only will try to find their own work experience placements including some placements ay Queensbury Academy  

*Further assemblies and events will be calendared each academic year in conjunction with the availability of the prospective providers and employers.