Queensbury Academy   1 (25)

Queensbury Academy Sixth Form


Being part of the sixth form is both an exciting and challenging experience for students. It involves greater freedom and choice, provides new opportunities and allows students to develop their own identity whilst being part of the Queensbury community.

We aim to create opportunities for students to become confident and ambitious learners, who embrace challenges and strive to exceed their potential. Students who study with us experience a supportive environment and are well equipped to deal with the demands of sixth form study, whilst being given a platform to flourish. We are very proud of our students’ achievements in sixth form over recent years, with many attending top universities.

Our sixth form offers a broad range of subjects with a mix of traditional A-Levels and vocational qualifications, alongside fantastic facilities. We believe in academic achievements but also know that becoming a well-rounded sixth form student is equally important in helping students progress as they make important decisions about their futures. We ensure all learners are aware of the options available to them and work with students to guide them in the right direction as they take the next steps as young adults.

Mr Yarnell

Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form)


Key Dates

Year 13 Results Day – Thursday 15th August 2024

Accessing Results
  • Students can collect results between 8.00am – 10.00am on Thursday 17th August in the Central building (please enter via the main central school gate).
  • Results will also be available via students’ Edulink accounts on the morning of results day.

If for any reason students cannot collect their results in person on results day and would like to nominate someone to collect them on their behalf, please can students make the sixth form team aware of the name and relationship of the person collecting their results by emailing pkemp@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk in advance.



Sixth Form Prospectus 2024


Applying to Queensbury Academy Sixth Form

Applications to Queensbury Academy Sixth Form for September 2024 have now closed. Those students wishing to make a late application can do so by contacting Mrs P Kemp -


Entry Requirements

We welcome both internal and external applicants to Queensbury Academy sixth form, where all students are required to study 3 qualifications. Students require a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 9-5 in order to study with us. Please see below for more information about our subject-specific entry requirements.

Course Entry Requirements 2024


Dress Code

We want to create a professional ethos and as such we expect our sixth form students to follow a smart casual dress code which reflects the high standards the school expects. Details of acceptable clothing which we expect students to wear is available below.


16-19 Bursary Fund

A government funded financial support bursary may be available to eligible students whilst they study with us at sixth form. It is intended to help students overcome barriers to participation so that they can remain in education and assists with costs such as travel, food, books and equipment. Full details and guidance are available below or via our sixth form administrator Mrs. Kemp.

Bursary Guidance Notes 2024 

Bursary Application Form 2024