Exam & Key Stage Results

Exam Results

Please find our latest published exam results below.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Measure 2022-23 2023-24 DfE Unvalidated
Progress 8 score -0.28 TBC
Attainment 8 43.9 39.94
EBACC average point score 3.63 3.41
Percentage of pupils that enter the EBACC 22% 24.51%
Attainment in English and Maths – percentage of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths  38% 35.10%
Pupil destinations – percentage staying in education or going into employment after KS4     
Remaining in Queensbury Academy Sixth Form                       34.90% 16.58%
Another Sixth Form                                                                         10.04% 19.91%
Further Education                                                                             46.40% 53.10%
Employment with study/ Apprenticeship                                5.26% 3.81%
Moved out of area                                                                          0.00% 0.00%
Neet (no further support required) 0.47% 6.11%
Average Point score for the Academic Cohort  29.33 27.05
Average Point Score for the Applied General Cohort  25.69 26.53
Average Point Score for the Tech Level Cohort  n/a 27.86
Year 12  88.77% 91.89%
Year 13 96.10% 98.80%
Confirmed University place                                                           65.15% 56.20%
Employment  21.21% 27.50%
Degree level apprenticeship 4.54% 12.50%
Gap year                                                                                                 4.54% 0.00%
Gap year applying to University next year                                3.03% 0.00%
Further Education Course                                                                1.51% 3.70%


School Performance

The Government School and College Performance Tables can be found using the following website:  


Exam certificates

Students can collect certificates from reception in The Central Building either by collecting their certificates themselves or arranging for someone to collect them on their behalf with authorisation from the student; a signature is required on collection. If you are an ex-student and are intending to come and collect your certificates on a particular day, please telephone in advance and your certificates will be ready to collect from the main reception in Central. We keep certificates for 5 years.

Please call 01582 601241

or email:
